2016年11月2日 星期三

Comic Artist from TAIWAN: Adoor Yeh

《孤島》(Remote Island)Adoor Yeh

 Adoor Yeh
Adoor Yeh, born and based in Taipei. As a graphic art freelancer, previously have worked with Wallpaper*, Wonderland, Interview. 
    In 2013 started into comics/manga. Proficient both digital and hand drawing to create Sequential art.

Awards and Exhibitions:
2016 Remote Island shown at a comics exhibition during Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts (TTTIFA)
2015 The First Time Consumption shown at an invoice comics exhibition in Taipei and Macau
2012 Island Portrait installation art exhibition
2008 ASIAGRAPH awarded Winning Work at ASIAGRAPH CG Art, participating in an exhibition in Japan


